Just on the other side of the tree is a fence that I have put in a small flower garden. Trying to get some morning glories & sweet peas to grow up the trellis but not having much luck. I think my local little squirrel keeps digging up the seeds and burying his own. In here I have some Rhubarb plants, begonia, forget me not, coleus, primrose, heurchera and a few cosmos. Also along this fence we have 4 blueberry bushes. The green berries on these are huge promising some good jam this year.
Just behind the tree are my 2x8 beds. In the first picture we are growing Kentucky Lake pole beans. Tammy has been making all our trellis out of PVC piping, it works great. Also in the same box we have broccoli & cauliflower along with a row or two of Ya Ya carrots. In the other box there are some pickling & slicing cucumbers growing up the trellis. Under the trellis is some head lettuce. On the other side of the box there is some marvel peas growing. Behind the boxes you can see a few of the 5 gallon buckets we use for our tomatoes (22 of them this year)
We put up 2 4X4 poles in the yard last year for the bird feeders and this summer we put a 4X4 across the top of them. I don't like to waste any space, so I hung 4 topsy turvy planters. 2 tomato & 2 cucumber (pickling & slicing). We also put up a hummingbird feeder & oriole feeder. Tam said she has seen one hummingbird.
Now the other side of the house is also very busy. Lining the dog's area are the rest of the 5 gallon buckets for the tomatoes. Various hanging container of flowers and off the porch I have 4 hanging bags of petunia ( little experiment).
In the raised beds we have every type of veggie we like.
1st 4X8 bed; radish (4 types), Onions (candy & red), Beets ( detroit & red racer) & peppers (bell, sweet red & banana)
2nd 4X8; pumpkin (little jack, baby & jack o lantern),salad turnip, lettuce (head & loose-leaf), butternut, blue hubbard, carrots (1/2 danvers, nantes)
3rd 4X10; snow peas, zucchini, squash (acorn, summer,patty pan), spinach, lettuce, brussel sprouts
Of course we cannot forget the herbs.
Not to bad for a few weeks worth of planting. Now to get all the watering timers set and go on vacation. I'M POOPED!!!!