Friday, July 30, 2010

What to do with it all!!

Tam & I went on vacation and friends of ours Carolyn & Paula took care of the garden for us. They will probably never volunteer for that job again but they did an awesome job and we thank them very much for the much needed vacation.
The flowers in the yard are in full bloom and growing like weeds. Some of them like the Tithonia are just out of control. I grew some impatiences by seed this year but they just started blooming now. I think I will start them a little earlier next year.

While we were gone there was some bad weather and the wind knocked over some of the tomato plants. The girls picked them up and tied them down. They also collected all the tomatoes that had fallen off and they are now ripening in a window sill. A lot fell off but there are still an abundance still on the vine ripening rapidly.
All the pumpkins & other squashes are growing rapidly, I'm harvesting something everyday. The pumpkins I have tied up in old onion bags I have saved through out the winter. They are already starting to turn orange. I have 2 huge Blue Hubbard. I told Tam that I want to enter them in the Fryeburg Fair but she says that they keep them. The Zucchini & Summer sq have been very prolific. I would like more of the Patty Pan maybe do another plant of it next year. The butternut sq. is just starting, we have got a couple started.
The peas and snap peas produced a lot but have gone by now. We tore down the plants before we went on vacation and planted another couple rows of peas for a fall crop. When we got home they are already a few inches tall. I really need to get the trellis back up for them. The beans have grown out and are starting to produce. Pretty soon we wont be able to keep up with them. Although the Japanese beetles have had quite a meal of them lately.

The rest of the plants are coming along. The wind knocked over the onion stalks but I have left them in for a little while longer to see what happens. The sweet bell & banana peppers are starting to grow well. We have already harvested a few bell peppers. It has not been a good year for the cucumbers. we have harvested some but they are odd shaped and the plants themselves look wilted & stressed.

So all in all it has been a pretty good year. Now it is time to keep up with the harvest and try to preserve all this good veggies. This year I was able to even make our own compost and so far we have got 5 wheel barrels of compost out of the bins and composter. Hope to get a few more before the weather starts to cool down to much.

1 comment:

  1. I'm ready to do my part in adding to your compost pile.
    I'll be bringing you more blueberries soon.
    I lost the zuchinni and summer squash. Michelle went to Cape Cod and wanted a special thank you to take w/ her.
