Soon enough it will be time to harden my babies to the cruel harsh world of the garden. i have made their beds already for them. I have tilled them up to make it nice and fluffy for them and then layed out about 3 inches of some very nice compost I got from the Frugal Farmer in Buxton. I can't seem to get my composter cooking yet. I love the smell of compost, I know why the dog likes to roll in it. Tammy always tells everyone that my favorite aphrodisiac is Au d' compost. I think she is going to try and bottle it.
So now it is a waiting game for Mother nature to get things warmed up enough for me to start planting. Next week I will get the drip hoses set in the garden, the square foot spaces stringed off and the trellis set up. Then hopefully I can at least get the cool weather plants in, like the peas, beans, lettuce, beets etc. Well that is it for this blog tonight. I will leave you with a couple pictures of some of the spring flowers that have bloomed. Also, my cat midnight who is keeping the containers warm for me.
I love my humid cozy plant house every spring...... ;) And the compost..... you shoulds see Shari when she is around it, I swear she's going to stop, drop and roll.... Love ya hon!